Lovely Day
"When the day that lies ahead of me, seems impossible to face....when someone else instead of me, always seems too know the way"
what would it be?.
mine would be "rocket man" by elton john.
Lovely Day
"When the day that lies ahead of me, seems impossible to face....when someone else instead of me, always seems too know the way"
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
It seems to me that most people behave decently most of the time and most people aren't racist and most people have never been treated badly because of their race.
As long as there is money to be made, this issue will be kept alive in the media. They make themselves sound as if they are the guardians of the community and their main goal is to keep us informed when in reality their main goal is to sell advertising.
They know that nobody wants to hear about people getting along even though millions do it every day. No one wants to hear about all the things that the government is doing right or about people who behave decently, so they look for the most salacious behavior to report on, hour after hour day after day year after year even though they are fully aware of the damage they are doing to the country they claim to love.
Why...because It works ! We've got 8 pages of comments on this topic even though I'm sure most of us here have never been treated badly because of our race nor have we ever treated someone else badly because of their race yet on some level we've been convinced that every other person out there is a racist and/or is being discriminated against.
I was out of the country recently and to listen to the news, you couldn't possibly live a normal life in America yet millions upon millions of us do and millions who know better than to believe what's being reported, are risking life and limb to get here.
Speaking of the news....what ever happened to the 200 girls that were kidnapped in Africa...remember that? It was a huge deal a few years ago but then the Eboli Epidemic came along and the plight of these missing girls was forgotten overnight because we lost interest and because (according to the news) half of the worlds population was going to be wiped out by this up and coming epidemic, yet here we are. Did Eboli just go away or did reporting about it stop making money ?
I've come to realize that my inner wellbeing is directly proportionate to the amount of news I'm exposed to. I've been on a news fast for years now and it has made a huge difference in my outlook. The stories come and go without me having to have an opinion about them or weigh in on them.
Are there problems? Yes there are but I realized a long time ago that there are those who capitalize on human fears....just like the good folks at the Watchtower have been doing for over 100 years. They like to focus on the problems and who is to blame and they like to sell you stuff and make money on you and keep you hooked on coming back for more instead of focusing on realistic solutions.
Anyway....It's July....I presume it's nice weather where you are too. I'm going get out and enjoy the warm evening and tomorrow there will be more money making news stories for me to ignore rather than allow to spoil my outlook on life and my view my fellow man. Instead, I will focus on the world around me and what I can do to make it a better place within my own circumstances and for the people I encounter personally.
You folks stay here and bicker about Trump and Racism and who said what....I'll be right back.
my father's last words_______in 1972, i was 25 years old following a strong impulse carrying me 1,500 milesaway from home in fort worth, texas.i intended to find him - my dad.
he’d left when i was about half a year old.his home in detroit, michigan had been the first house i lived in at age zero.
i knocked on his door and he answered.
“Such as we are made of, such we be. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. To do a great right, do a little wrong.”
Terry.... Sorry to seem like a dunce but I've read and reread the above but I'm not sure what it means or why your father said this or why it meant so much to you. Can you fill me in?
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
You can be fascinated with fire and seeing things burn but you wouldn't necessarily be an Arsonist until you actually set a building on fire.
As far as being a Racist, it used to be that you had to actually say or do something harmful to a person of another race before you were considered to be a racist. Now (if you believe what you hear on the news) it seems that to some people, all you have to do is disagree with the point of view of someone of another race and you can be labeled a Racist. It also seems to me that this only applies to Caucasian people.
Hopefully most people base their view of the world on their own actual experiences, rather than what they see on television.
I used to work with a black woman who was American but changed her name to an African sounding name, wore nothing but African headdresses and clothing, was more African than actual African people and was constantly talking in the lunchroom about white oppression and racial issues. When I came back from Vacation in Australia she asked me in front of everyone, "Did you see any black they allow black people to live there?" I couldn't believe it. Race was obviously heavy on her mind but because she is Black no one would ever consider her to be a racist.
One day I asked her "You have a College degree, have a good job and a nice home and your kids are in college....has anyone ever tried to prevent you or anyone in your family from having such things?" She said "No".
I said " Has anyone ever actually done anything mean to you or your family because of your race" Again she said No".
I said " Ok....I just wondered cause it seems like you may have had some really bad experiences in the past".
I never heard her talking about race issues again.
cardi-b, who is an american rapper, singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality, admits in an old video of drugging and stealing from men.
if the roles were reversed, do you think this would be a front page story instead of being buried on the back page?
why isn't the progressive left demanding justice?
There is still a double standard out there. Men are bad....Women are good so when it comes to how women can behave towards men there is the idea that since women and girls are the gold standard of behavior, men and boys should be more like them. If they aren't, then they deserve whatever they get and should take it uncomplainingly.
The other day I saw a scene in a TV comedy where a guy wasn't doing what the women wanted and after some comedic back and forth dialogue, the punchline was for her to kick him in the crotch and walk off laughing as he writhed in pain on the ground. Had the scene shown man doing something like this to a woman, even in jest, an immediate apology would have been demanded and someones career may have been ruined. If men rose up and complained publicly the way women do, they'd be mocked for being weak crybabies.
I also saw a Jared Jewelry Commercial where a pretty young woman was out washing her car and her boyfriend approached, got down on one knee and proposed to her. She was overjoyed at first but when she realized the ring he presented her with didn't come from Jared Jewelers, she blasted him right in the face full force with the garden hose she was holding, knocking him backwards. As he lay there drenched and looking crestfallen the announcer said "He didn't go to Jared"...indicating that he deserved such treatment. I know it was only a stupid TV commercial but I can well imagine the public outrage there would be if there was a commercial showing a man doing something like this to a woman.
This kind of thing continues because men have been conditioned to believe that they are on the whole, bad and deserve what they get. Hence the passe' response to Cardi-B's behavior. If it were discovered that Justin Timberlake did the exact same thing, his career would be ruined immediately.
my son, his girlfriend, and i were on a little bit of a light rail adventure yesterday.
it was mid-afternoon and there was an area where tracks were being worked on and we went on foot.
i passed by my first witnessing cart.
Ive asked them:
If Jesus came into his kingdom already then why do they still celebrate the Memorial?
Why is it that women can partake of the emblems and rule with Jesus in heaven but here on earth they aren't allowed to teach the Bible in the presence of a man unless they're wearing a head covering?
One time I showed them the photos I keep on my phone (shown below) and asked if the people shown would also have been sure that they would never die or that they had the correct understanding and if so, where are they now?
i knew of a ministerial servant that was called out because he used fire crackers on the 4 th of july.
we had to have an emergency meeting as to his qualifications.
i remember imploring the body to not make a big issue over this and it was decided to just “counsel” him about being involved in a patriotic holiday.🤨.
I was born on the 4 of July so growing up there were two fun things I didn’t get to do on that day.
When my boys were kids I’d buy a few sparklers and some of quiet fireworks and we’d light em off in the back yard the next day.
My oldest son and his wife still go to an occasional meeting or assembly just to keep in the good graces with her family and all their JW friends.
Their little girl was born on my birthday, so now on July 4th we don’t celebrate our birthdays....together.
So now there’s 3 fun things I miss out on, on that day thanks to the JW religion.
the october 2019 study edition, speaking of the last days after the governments destroy all religion except jws:.
at some point, the people whose re-ligions were destroyed may resent thefact that jehovah’s witnesses keep prac-ticing their religion.
we can only imag-ine the uproar that this might create, in-cluding on social media.
So the billions of people around the world who practiced a religion, went quietly into the night, without so much as a whimper? Despite the ban on religion and what would likely be a major global upheaval with court battles, riots, imprisonments and deaths, JW's somehow practice theirs even though it's apparently common public knowledge which is made evident by the statement that acknowledges that there will be those who resent them for continuing to worship.
If it's common knowledge that JW's are still practicing their religion, the government apparently isn't cracking down on them much and if they are, the JW's aren't doing a very good job of being secretive.
It's also ridiculous to see in that picture, those evil yet clean cut and nicely dressed worldly people, who after the major global upheaval that would have taken place, have the luxury of of sitting around in a plush coffee shop and that a bulletin consistent with JW lingo (Peace and Security Proclaimed) is being displayed on multiple flat screen televisions similar to the ones that have recently been installed at the Kingdom Halls. If anyone actually was "proclaiming" peace and security, they'd simply proclaim it....they wouldn't use the word proclaimed while doing so.
The Boys back east have been cooped together in their compound out in the country too long now and are becoming more and more delusional. I think being headquartered in New York City was the only thing that was keeping them somewhat grounded in reality.
Reading this nonsense in black and white and seeing that accompanying cultish picture has got to be a wake up call for some of the more intelligent ones remain in that Organization.
I'm assuming that their friends and family can still speak to them and there isn't an announcement made about the person in front of the congregation.
it's infuriating because it's so childish.
you can explain how a rainbow appears because sunlight is refracted under the right conditions but you'll get asked;.
"so who made those conditions that way?".
If you're walking under a coconut tree in the new system and a coconut lands on your head and crushes your skull, is this because Jehovah created gravity? Will you feel pain because Jehovah created nerve endings?